Ripple Blog

Is it too late to say Happy New Year at our Physical Therapy Clinic?

Written by Jeremy Dupont | Jan 24, 2023 10:43:02 AM

Happy New Year to you!!

Or wait, sorry -- is it too late into January to still be saying Happy New Year? I never really know.  You get a few weeks into the year and I always go back to that Larry David skit 


Like Larry say's, there really is a statute of limitations on when you can say happy new year!

But -- how great is that Larry and Randy are still hitting the gym long enough into the new year that this is even a question?!  Maybe Larry should be working out with the oversight of a Physical Therapist but we'll let it slide for this time.

Now let's set the record straight -- I think Larry may be off a bit here.  Wishing someone a happy new a few weeks into the year may just correlate with not taking your new year resolutions seriously!  Now, it looks like Larry is still hitting the gym, so we'll let it slide for now.  

For us Physical Therapists at the clinic, the first few weeks of the new year are always interesting. 

There are two main groups people that reach out to our Physical Therapy clinic;

The first group are people that are super motivated going into the year, and want to stay accountable on their own.  They have their gym plan, classes picked out, and nutrition all lined up and ready to go.  They get into their first week of planned exercise, and an injury stops them dead in their tracks.  But, instead of throwing in the towel, they reach out to us to get them out of pain ASAP, and help them create a strength plan to not let their injuries stop them from taking the classes they want.

The second group are people that need a weekly routine going into the new year. So, they look to us as their resolution habit to start feeling like their best selves.  These people come into Ripple on a weekly basis to receive manual therapy, dry needling, and go through strength training to get out of pain, move without restriction, and feel like they're 10 years younger.  Adding Ripple into their new year's habit is a game changer to staying on track.

The best part?  Both of these groups are people are still on track.  Not only did they have a plan for the month of January, but everyone that comes in for an initial evaluation gets 3 months of a new health and wellness habit planned out. 

That really is the beauty of what we're doing at Ripple Physical Therapy.  Yes, it's Physical Therapy and we get people out pain and that's great!  But, really what we're doing and what we act as are weekly habits for people who need expert guidance on their injury history and what they should be doing to stay out of pain.  These weekly 'habit' appointments consist of everything from manual therapy to dry needling to strength training.  Think you need those in your weekly routine?  I'd say yes.

If you're in one of the above two groups, why haven't you reached out to us yet? Even though Larry think's it's too late to say Happy New Year, it's never to late to get started on those resolutions and implement some new year habits.

Take step #1 and book a free 15-minute phone consultation to see what habit you need to start adding into your weekly routine!