2 Ways We Keep People Accountable

Staying accountable is tough.

Our Physical Therapists work incredibly hard to keep everyone accountable. They know that when you're trying to make a change, whether it be trying to rehab an old injury to simply get back to your fitness routine it's just not easy.

You get that initial bolt of motivation.  Okay, you're ready to make some change and the first 3 days go GREAT!  

You're on top of your mobility homework to fix your knee that's been bugging you, eating healthy, and got a workout in every day.

But -- the motivation starts to fade...

We've all been there.

So, how do you keep your motivation for more than 72 hours?  

Here's our two tricks on how we keep Ripple clients motivated and accountable

#1 Using the TrueCoach App

Every single person that walks into Ripple gets put into our TrueCoach software. This is our virtual coaching platform where we deliver workouts, mobility routines, cardio prescriptions and lot's more.

How does it work?  

After signing up for the app, each day you'll receive an email and push notification with your prescribed workout from your Performance Therapist or Personal Trainer.

What does it look like?  

Once you log into your app and find your workout, you'll see a detailed prescription of what you need to do that day.  Your workout will include video demonstrations for each exercise, along with prescribed sets, reps, and intensity on what you need to be doing.


How do I know I'm doing things correctly?

A lot of people are hesitant on virtual work because no one is there correcting form.  I get it.  But, this is the next best thing. Through the TrueCoach app, you can ask questions about whatever you need via the chat function and 24/7 support from your coach, upload videos of yourself doing the exercise for feedback, and have a video demonstration for each exercise to form check yourself.  So -- you really have no excuse not to nail your form!

#2 Using the Strava App

If you're not an avid runner or outdoors person, you may have never heard of strava.  But let me tell you, it's magical. So magical, we even started a Strava Club


What is Strava?

Strava is a media platform that tracks your exercise activities through GPS.  Think of your daily Instagram scroll, but only with maps of your friends going out and getting after it. The posts show a map of the run, walk, hike, bike, or swim the person has done, and you can give 'kudos' instead of likes.  Let me tell you, there is nothing better than a Strava kudo.

How do we use it?

Most of our clients need some sort of cardio, and this is how we push them to stay accountable.  It ranges anywhere from tracking the 3, 20-minute walk breaks a day to the zone 2 cardio. Everyone might have different goals, but the one thing everyone has in common is that they need to get up and MOVE more.  This is how we track that.

After each appointment, you'll have a 'Strava goal' given to you by your performance therapist or personal trainer. Depending on you, it can range from 3 60 minutes walks for that week, or 2 runs at 145 bpm.

Can't I just send you my steps?

Sure -- but, you won't.  Let's be honest.

The beauty of the Strava tracking app is that it forces you to get off your computer and go outside for a walk.  When you finish an exercise, the Strava app automatically posts the map view of the exercise that you did.  It's cool to see the loop you just made and gets you to explore. Plus, you get kudos from your friends -- what's better than that?

Be a part of our club

On the strava app, we have weekly challenges, leaderboards, and ways to win free stuff.  Doing things alone is never easy, and the community we have is awesome!  Virtually tag in for a RIpple 5k, daily walk challenge, and much more! 

Today, everything is done virtually.  For home exercise programs and accountability, this is a blessing in disguise.  You can have your own personal coach and fitness community in your pocket.

Become injury-free, stronger, and reach your goals.  

‍Ready to take the next step?  

Schedule a free 15-minute phone call with me!  We will discuss how we use the TrueCoach and Strava software, and dive into how we at Ripple can help you get you to where you want to be!

Until next time!




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