3 Unconventional Drills for the City Runner


3 Unconventional Drills for the Boston City Runner

Going for a run in the city is not much different than going for a trail run.  


You are dodging people, going up and down curbs all while maneuvering yourself through an ever-changing path.  Needless to say, the demands are far greater than just doing laps on a track. You made need a little more mobility too, we got a free class for t


Your training should target all aspects of city running.

Yes, you can get by with just going for a run and reap the benefits of exercising outside. 

That's totally fine.

The question is: Why just stop there? 

These drills are here to allow you to run stronger for longer in Boston.

For a little bit of sweat, thats not a bad deal.


Drill #1

Skater Jumps

While running along the Esplanade in Boston you are bound to encounter groups of people you quickly need to evade in order to maintain your pace.  


Developing rock solid stability while you are jumping from side to side will not only strengthen your adductors and abductors, but will also give you the confidence needed to quickly take charge and side step those in your way.


Drill #2 

Box Drop to Vertical Jump

The forces placed on your joints are greater anytime you are going down stairs or off a curb.  Make sure your body is ready for these forces by training your brakes.  You wouldn’t drive a car if the brakes don’t work, and when it comes to running in the city your brakes can save your life. 


Practicing these landing mechanics and progressions will help strengthen your tendons and ligaments while mimicking activities you will encounter in the city.


Drill #3

Ankle Inversion Split Squats

I don’t know about your city sidewalks, but here in Boston we pride ourselves in maintaining the streets just how they were built in 1630. Which means a lot of uneven surfaces. All jokes aside you never know what your ankles will encounter during a run around the city. Whether it's cobblestones, a curb, or your friendly neighborhood construction hole you are bound to end up stepping in a weird way. This split squat variation will make sure your ankle knows how to load properly in awkward positions before you expose them to the next pothole and/or tree root.  

Give these drills a try and up your running game! Need running warmups next? We’ve got that covered.

They will help give you more power, agility and the boost of confidence you need when traversing your city’s busy streets. Want to build up a little more confidence? A free 15-minute phonecall can do just that. On this phone call, we’ll discuss the current pain points with running you’re having, and how to fix them.



As always, feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.  We are always glad to help! Shoot us an email or schedule a call.


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