Ripple Blog

5 Reasons You Should see a Physical Therapist that does Dry Needling — Ripple Boston

Written by Jeremy Dupont | Feb 3, 2022 5:00:00 AM

Our Physical Therapists are progressive.

That's why we call our service 'Performance Physical Therapy' to differentiate ourselves from the traditional Physical Therapy model.  We're continually adding to our tool belt, and adding modalities that will not only make us better providers but help you get out of pain for good.


That's why we've introduced Dry Needling to our Boston based practice.  Not sure what dry needling is?  Take a look!

What is Dry Needling you ask?  I'm so glad you did.

Dry Needling, or Integrative Dry Needling (IDN) is a modality used to treat dysfunction, pain, and injuries in the human body. The Dry Needling technique is a modern Western medical modality that uses a fine needle placed into the skin, muscle, trigger point, or specific nerve points to decrease inflammation, relieve pain, and get you moving and feeling better than ever.

So -- this all sounds great, but why exactly do you need Dry Needling?  

We often get that question, and that's why we created our top 5 reasons our Physical Therapists do Dry Needling

#1 Can Help With a Variety Of Injuries

If you have a longstanding injury, dry needling could be the missing piece to the puzzle.  The great thing about Dry Needling is that it can be used anywhere in the body (seriously, we can even dry needle your face) and therefore can help treat any kind of injury or condition you're dealing with. Whether your lower back hurts, or you're having wrist pain from all the typing you do at work, we can needle it. The most common things Dry Needling can help with are:

  • Low Back Pain

  • Tennis Elbow

  • Frozen Shoulder

  • Actue and chronic tendonitis

  • Overuse injuries

  • Knee pain from running

  • Tennis elbow

... and much, much more

#2 It Helps Loosen Tight Muscles

Have a joint that just won't loosen up?  It doesn't matter how much stretching, foam rolling (we don’t even do that), or strength work you do, you just can't seem to get unstuck and feel loose and flexible.  Dry Needling is great for this. Our Boston Physical Therapists can identify a tight muscle or trigger point within the body and can needle that exact spot, the nerve innervations to the muscle, and all around the joint getting it to calm down and overall loosen up. This might be exactly what you've been missing.

#3 Stop the Overuse Niggles From Turning Into an Actual Injury

Ever feel like your knee is about to act up after a bunch of running?  Or your shoulder is starting to hurt after a weekend of golf and tennis?  How about your back hurting after a weekend of moving?  That tight feeling where you're not necessarily in pain, but you can definitely feel it. These are all common, and what we consider 'overuse' conditions -- or simply, the niggles.  

Dry needling can take those niggles, and make sure they don't turn into a problem.  This rehabilitation approach with dry needling is super successful to make sure we sniff out the cause of what's going on and keep it at bay so you can continue doing what you love and not have to stop.

#4 Can Be Used within a Comprehensive Physical Therapy Plan

Here at Ripple, our Boston Physical Therapists don't believe in one single modality that can fix everyone.  Instead, our Physical Therapy approach is to use a number of different modalities and stick with the one that works for you.  Dry Needling is always included in this.  Instead of JUST using exercise, manual therapy, or anything of the like, we integrate each different philosophy into your treatment plan.  So, a 60 minute 1 on 1 Physical Therapy session may look like this -- evaluation, dry needling, manual therapy, then exercise at the end. Humans are complex, and that's why our treatment plan is the same.

#5 Return to your sport faster and better than before

And, it doesn't matter what your sport is.  Obviously, our job is to get you out of pain. But, what Ripple's Physical Therapists do better than anyone does not only get you out of pain, but we fix the actual root cause of your injury and get you stronger than you were before so you can get back to skiing, hiking, golfing, or whatever it may be without having to worry about re-injury.  Dry Needling plays a huge role in this. The progressive nature of Dry Needling is the next level in injury care and prevention and is almost a necessary tool to get you out of pain faster and back to your sport.

Ready to give Physical Therapy and Dry Needling a shot?  We're ready to have you in.

Book a call today and chat with Jeremy to see if Dry Needling is right for you, and receive 115$ off your first Dry Needling Boston Physical Therapy session!



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