Look Inside a Performance Physical Therapy Session

Our Performance Physical Therapists are changing the game.

There’s a new wave of progressive health and wellness, and it’s happening here, too.

But what exactly is Performance PT? Continue reading as we dive into the 3 aspects of what goes into a Performance Physical Therapy session, and why you need it even if you’re not in pain.

Come with Doctor Regi as she walks you through the steps;

Regi’s the best. As you can see, this isn’t your traditional Physical Therapy model. We do things different, and for a reason.

In summary, a performance Physical Therapy session has 3 different parts.

The first part is the evaluation.

This is the part that we put an extra emphasis on because most places get it so wrong. During the first 10 minutes of your session, we try to get to know you. At this point, we care little about your injury and more about who you are as a person, what you like to do, and what you want to get back to. Regardless of your injury, we want everyone to feel safe and trust the process and this is where it happens. We really like to put the therapy in Physical Therapy 😂 . Then, we get to the good stuff. Our evaluation model is designed through many different high-level schools of thought and helps figure out what the exact root cause of your problem is. This in-depth process will not only look at where your pain is, but also other areas of the body and why something else might be causing the pain. Most people don’t realize that even though one part of your body hurts, the reason for it might be coming from somewhere else.

The evaluation is an indepth process that not only looks at your pain point, but the whole body to determine what exactly the root cause of your pain is

Next, we get into the treatment side of things

Our treatment style is a mix of manual therapy, Dry Needling, passive and active range of motion, strength work, and much much more. That’s the beauty of it — here at Ripple our Boston Physical Therapy isn’t tied to one modality, we understand who you are, and what treatment style will be best. From there, we can carry out what the best plan of care for you will be! We’re very progressive here at Ripple, and the treatment side of things will be much different than any care you’ve ever had. Make sure you have your gym clothes and be ready to move, exercise, and get strong!

As you progress into your Physical Therapy plan, your treatment will change. The idea is that you come in with pain, and the first few weeks are designed around getting you out of pain. Generally, this type of treatment will be done on the table and include some of our more passive modalities like manual therapy, dry needling, active and passive stretching as well as inputs from you with lower-level exercise and muscle contractions. As you progress, the next few weeks start to look different as you get out of pain. Ideally, you start spending less time on the table, and more time in the gym. This is where the magic lives. A real Physical Therapy plan empowers you and gets you stronger. Being able to lift weights, feel strong, and move with freedom is how we get you out of pain forever, and back to the lifestyle you want to live.

The third step is to actually get you moving and add some strength

Physical Therapy gets this part very wrong. Luckily, we don’t. Strength differs for everyone based on where they’re at with pain, injury, and overall stress. Someone who is in a lot of pain and just recently injured themselves will do slightly less exercise and more hands-on work. But, for someone who needs strength, we give them strength. A lot of sessions can look like a workout — we get you moving, and empower you to move and feel like your strongest self regardless of injury.

This is where the fun starts to happen. We can start tailoring the exercises to complement your ski routine, implementing a running warmup, or start working on mobility designed for you.

Most people stick around in this stage forever. We keep progressing things each week, and the sessions look a lot more like a workout than they do a traditional Physical Therapy session. The beauty of it? If you come in one day and your back is slightly bothering you, we get you right on the table and make sure we fix it before it becomes a bigger problem. That recurring, 1 hour session you have booked with your personal Physical Therpaist is the best hour of your week.

Our Performance Physical Therapy Sessions are different.

And that’s why you need it. Having a reoccurring, 60 minute session with one of our highly educated Physical Therapists is the best thing you can do for your health. Having this time to workout, address any tightness you have, or to solve an injury is something that is irreplaceable. Use the time for a structured workout, or to make sure you’re staying mobile so you don’t have to give up your active lifestyle.

Ready to start? Book a FREE 15-Minute Phone consultation with me, and we can address what pain points you have now, where you want to be, and how us at Ripple can help!


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Keep the stoke high!!



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