Ripple Blog

Sports Massage Vs Traditional Massage - what's the diff?

Written by Jeremy Dupont | Feb 24, 2022 4:31:13 PM

People traditionally think of getting a massage in one of two situations;

#1 - they're stressed

#2 - something hurts

In Boston, most of us are stressed and that's why many bostonians are on a weekly or monthly massage routine.  Withhout that cadance of massage, your stress will build up and you simply don't feel like yourself.

On the other hand, if something specifically hurts you seek out a massage therapist to see if they can 'work the knots out'. Traditional deep tissue or spas massages are great, but does it actually help when you need spot specific relief?

In order to properly target musculoskeletal issues, you need a proper assessment to dictate what approach you take.


Sports massage at Ripple gets rid of the fluff and goes straight to the source of the issue.

During a sports massage, you get a full movement screen to properly assess where you currently are and figure out what muscles need focused work. Why pay for a full hour of work and only get 5 minutes of actual benefit? You want to spend the adequate amount of time needed to make actual changes.


Maximizing your recovery so you can get back to doing what you love!

Using techniques like assisted stretching, deep tissue, cupping, scrapping, or active release we can target those overuse and underappreciated muscles that get put through the wringer day in day out.


To compare:

Spa Massage

  • For relaxation
  • General bodywork of whole body
  • Stress reducing

Sports Massage

  • Targets specifically tight or sore muscles groups
  • Uses a joint evaluation to see where the tightness is coming from
  • Uses deep tissue work, and also cupping, instrument assisted tools work, and active stretching

These sessions can be structured around competition and training dates in order to best help you reach your goals. We split them up into Pre Comp and Post Comp Sessions to help you recover leading up and after the big race or game.

You can't go wrong with both, and here at Ripple we do both!  Everyone that walks in is coming in with a different situation, and we treat them as the individual and not their symptoms.  

You ready for a massage? Claim our current 50% off deal!