Ripple Blog

The 4 Buckets Our Physical Therapists Work From

Written by Jeremy Dupont | May 8, 2022 9:45:40 PM

Here in Boston, we're really trying to change the way people view Physical Therapy

Traditional care saw people have a transactional relationship with their Physical Therapist in which they'd come in with a MRI script, and get treated based on what was on the disc.  In hindsight, this leads to poor outcomes, and more often than not people only get treatment for their injury and not actually the root cause of what's going on.

This poor form in care has left a really bad name for Physical Therapy in Boston and a lot of residents actually don't seek out Physical Therapy because they know they need something more. 

Treating out of just one bucket, or treating just someones injury doesn't work.  You can't have a patient come in with pain, and only look at the injury not the human itself. Again, this is where most traditional Physical Therapy clinics miss the mark, but it's where we are changing the game.

Here at Ripple Boston, we work from more than one bucket. 

Instead of just looking at the injury, we take the initial 60-minute assessment and get to know the individual first and injury second.  We know that if we simply treat the injury and not the human we're totally missing out on the bigger picture of getting that person back to doing what they love (and better at it, too.)

That's why we're a direct pay clinic and offer 60-minute 1 on 1 sessions.  During these session, your Physical Therapist becomes your personal guide and helps you navigate all the different wellness buckets.  Instead of simply treating your injury, we take a holistic 10 mile view of your current health and wellness so we can ensure that not only do we reduce your pain symptoms but get you to your healthiest self.

Here are the top buckets that our Boston Physical Therapists work from---

Injury Rehabilitation 

The obvious one.  Chances are, you've been hurt and seen a Physical Therapist for something along the line.  Whether it was your classic knee pain or you tore your ACL, most people have gone to a PT.  For our demographic (and chances are you too if you're reading this) of active adults, this worked find but they were left wanting more.

You have an injury, you've been in pain, and you want it fixed.  Most people really don't know what to do about that, and don't want to go to their PCP and wait in a waiting room to get no answers.  Physical Therapy is your answer, and direct access PT at Ripple is an even better one.  

Injury Rehabilitation at Ripple looks more different than anywhere else in Boston.  We utlizie techniques like Dry Needling, and progressive exercise measures, and prehab and post-injury training to get you out of pain.  More importantly, we dive deeply into the buckets below to ensure that all of your health markers are checked.  Fixing your pain is just step 1.

Stress Management

Here in Boston, this might be the #1 reason why people are injured.  You have to look at stress as one in the same --- yes, your knee might hurt because of all the overtraining and running you've been doing.  But -- if you work a crazy 70 hour per week job and seem to be constantly stressed out form it, not stretching or strengthening is going to make that knee feel better. 

Our pain reduction process for people who are stressed out always includes some downregulation tactics.  We work with people and help them get into a daily breath work practice, work mobility break, and even dive into the world of meditation.  Again, we can't just work on your knee and expect things to get better.  

If you're one of these stressed out people (really, even if you're not) you probably don't sleep either.  Well guess what!? We're working on that, too!! Again, If you're sleep is crap there is only so much we can do in the treatment room to get you to 110% of what you were before.  We help our patients implement a better sleep routine, and chat through why this is so important as part of our treatment process.



This is the one sector of our Physical Therapists skill set that we have had tons of people reach out for.  Ever since COVID, people have really put a priority on their health and they want someone who is skilled and educated to help them with it.  They no long belong to a gym, and they want a structured workout where they can get in what they need to in order to feel good, have no pain, and continue doing what they love.

There literally is no one better for this than a Physical Therapist.

Think about it -- a Doctor of Physical Therapy goes to school for upwards of 7-8 years and all of their coursework is on the human body and how to get rid of it's pains and make it function stronger and healthier.  This is someone you want carrying out your fitness programs!!

Clinical Strenght with our Physical Therapists can range anywhere from a mix of working on mobility exercises for your current injury all the way to leaving you drenched in sweat and laying on the ground after a 60 minute workout.  Then, go home and wake up every morning knowing what your workout is for the day and have the solace that it will be safe and effective because a Physical Therapist wrote it up.  What's better than that?

Optimize Your Ability to Do What You Love

At the end of the end of the day, this is all most people want.  Whether it's just being able to keep up with your grandkids in the backyard or your training for an ironman, active adults just want the ability to keep doing what they love. 

Pain during a fitness class you always look forward to ruins the experience.  Back tightness during the 18 holes with your friends makes you not want to show up. Speaking from experience, knee pain during the ski season can seriously affect your mental wellbeing 😆 .

This is why our Physical Therpaists spend the full 60 minutes and upcoming sessions getting to know who you are.  

What is your Why? 

Seriously, think about that.  If you never have, come in for that initial evaluation and we'll dive deep into what your current limitations are stopping you from and how we can solve them.

Even better, we're offering 50% off your initial evaluation -- BOOK IT TODAY!

Have more questions?  Fire away! I'm here to help.  Simply book a free 15-minute phone call with me below