Ripple Blog

The Fresh Start Effect — Ripple Boston

Written by Jeremy Dupont | Feb 3, 2022 5:00:00 AM

Coming to Ripple Physical Therapy in Boston is a fresh start.


This newfound motivation comes from a total new calendar year or birth year. 'New Year, New Me' tends to motivate a lot of people and give them the fresh start they're looking for.

But, that only happens once a year.

‍Why can't we look at a fresh start as something that happens month, or week, or even every day? 

I know we get sucked into life, and days, weeks, months all get lumped together and seem like a single moment in time.

So, what if there is a way we can tap into our brains, and make sure that we understand that each day is a chance for a fresh start?  This type of willpower is extremely tough, but can be done!

To me, Labor Day Weekend is a classic "Fresh Start" time of year.

Summer is over *sigh* and let's be honest, the last two months you weren't exactly locked in on your workouts.  Early September is a time of year that the Physical Therapy Clinic starts getting crazy, and it's because people have this 'Fresh Start' mentaility to them.  

We actually created a 10 step checklist to getting your health and wellness routine back in order after summer -- download it below!

Recently, I've been listening to a lot of Kate Milkman's podcast Choiceology.  This podcast is what introduced me to the Fresh Start Effect, and forced me to dive deeper into the topic.

The article, The Fresh Start Effect: Temporal Landmarks Motivate Aspirational Behavior dives into how people are more likely to tackle their New Year's Resolutions immediately following salient temporal landmarks.

Temporal landmarks include the outset of a new week, month, quarter, birthday, etc -- so even though we may only have New Year's resolutions once a year, you're still thinking about making change all year long.

The Fresh Start start effect is something that you have going on in your brain, and you may not even know it.  

Ever wonder why you show up to the gym Monday morning, but can't seem to get yourself there Friday?  That's because our brain set's 'fresh start landmarks' at the onset of each week.  It provides you with motivation as this new week means new you!  But, that motivation dwindles as the week carries on and that 'fresh start' goes away.

So -- how do we tap into this Fresh Start mindset every day? Here are our 3 ways to maintain motivation, and get a fresh start each and every day.

#1 - Have someone to keep you accountable

There is no better way to wake up each day with that fresh start attitude than having someone by your side.  Whether it's a personal trainer or a gym buddy, having someone that you have to answer to every day will give you the motivation you need.

Feel like you need that person? One of the best qualities of the Physical Therapists here at Ripple is how we act as accountability partners for our patients. Not only do they know they're getting a once a week mobility and strength workout, but they have a coach in their pocket that is there to answer any health and wellness related questions.

Step 1 to finding your accountability buddy is to book a FREE 15-minute phone consultation -- we'll chat about what issues you're dealing with, what activiest they're stopping you from doing, and what we can do here at our Boston Physical Therapy Clinic to help!

#2 - Morning Routine

I was never into this 'mindfulness' or 'reflection' type stuff until recently. But, I now have a morning routine that I wake up to every day, and write down what I will be doing each and every day.  This gives me that 'fresh start' I need, and keeps me on track every single day. Adding this into your routine can take no more than 5-10 minutes, but can give you a whole new perspective on your day, week, and life.  This one's a game-changer.

Our Physical Therapists talk in depth about how your morning routine can really make or break your day. One of the biggest wins of having a strict morning routine is that it puts your mind at ease the night before allowing for deeper, more restful sleep. Sleep is HANDS DOWN on of the most important things to following through with your new fresh start mindset, make sure you get it!

Also, if you're brave a morning routine means getting your exercise in. Check that box off before anything else during the day and 2 things happen;

1. You never miss a workout
2. You got something accomplished before your work day has even started!

#3 - Trusting the process

There's nothing more demotivating than going through all the trouble of working out and eating healthy but not seeing any results.  Unfortunately, most things take time, and is why you need to have a 'fresh start' attitude every day.  You also need to make sure you're doing the right things, so having a process that's laid out by a professional will keep you on a daily schedule and make sure that the process is going where it needs to!

Our Physical Therapists always talk about how rehab is not a linear process. Feeling better, then getting reinjured is something that's super aggravating and can easily make you lose your fresh start motivation. Knowing ahead of time that this proccess will be up and down, adn you have someone there looking out for you to make the journey less bumpy will ensure your fresh start is a lifestyle change!



To be honest, all three of these strategies are the wheelhouse for Ripple's Physical Therapists.  Hiring a Physical Therapist will give you that accountability buddy you need and help you build out a morning routine and individualized exercise program to help you get that fresh start feeling each and every day.

We don't have to look at Labor Day or New Years Eve as one of those fresh start dates -- everytime someone comes in for an evaluation their eyes light up with new found hope and motivation; this is why we do it!

Does this sound like something you need?  Get your 'fresh start' today and sign up for a FREE Phone Consultation with one of our Physical Therapists.

Contact us today to get started or book a FREE 15-minute phone call with Jeremy below!