Top 4 Boston Running Routes


In fact, Patriots Day is an actual holiday scheduled around The Boston Marathon and a day locals look forward to all year. You don't have the marathon qualifier to dive yourself into the Boston running culture -- it's contagious.

The Boston fitness scene is chock-full of runners who live to run the esplanade, climb heartbreak hill, and wake up early to get their run just with thousands of other Bostonians. We know this because we get so many people coming in for video running analysis.

We know this because our Physical Therapy and Sports Massage clinic here in Boston is chocked full of runners. And these people are inundated with running. They love it. I've never seen a culture quite like it.

With this thick culture comes specific running routes that are now ingrained in people's lives.  Like clockwork, a Boston running loop is something that is a part of certain Bostonian's day, every day.

These running routes are cherished.  And, I'd argue they are some of the best in the world. Routes that offer epic city views, coastal runs, and the ability to see the sunset and sunrise is something you can't get just anywhere.  Then, add on top the hundreds of other people out there and getting after it -- you can't beat it!

But, for a lot of people finding that perfect running route is tough.  And, if you don't have it running can suck (here's 10 Ways to make it suck less). There no two ways about it.

That's why I compiled my top running routes in Boston, where to find them, and what they're best for.  Plus, I gave you a couple extra's 😉

Here's my Top 4 Boston Running Routes

Castle Island Loop

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This is hands down the best running loop in Boston.  I'm going to ruffle some feathers with this one, but you can't deny it. No, you don't get the epic city views (see #3) or run along the famous esplanade, but there is no better place to get an early morning run in than Castle Island.  The sunrise is almost always spectacular and it's a perfect 2-mile loop.  Get coastline views and free parking (while it lasts).

Where: Castle Island --South Boston

Distance: 2.1 miles

Perks: Loop, Oceanview, Parking


Chestnut Hill Reservoir Loop

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This route may technically not be in ~Boston~, it still HAS to land on the top running routes in the area.  Everyone in their Boston lifetime has lived in or around the Brighton, Cleveland Circle area and has almost certainly walked the Chestnut Hill Reservoir.  This 2-mile loop offers a gravel-like terrain with views of Boston College and the newly developed Cleveland Circle.  Park at the small Ice Rink or the always available street parking and get a couple of loops in!  If you're feeling spicy, get a loop then continue down Beacon street to mix in some of the Boston Marathon Route!

Where: Chestnut Hill Reservoir - Brighton

Distance: 2 Miles

Perks: Loop, Sunset views, Parking


Esplanade River Loop

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Okay, you knew it was coming.  There is, of course, the most famous running route of Boston and it's that for good reason. Your ever classic run esplanade, Charles river run route crossing at the Mass ave bridge, and museum of science has it all. 3.75 miles in total, get the famous Boston skyline view for the whole run, watch crew teams row up and down the river, and be motivated by the hundreds of other runners out there getting after it!  This just may be part of the new Ripple Run Club. Check us out!

Where: Esplanade - Boston

Distance: 3.75 Miles

Perks: Ridiculous views, good vibes, river wind (maybe a con?)


Tour De Boston Loop


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This is a dozzy, but boy is it fun.  This 10.5-mile loop takes you through all the major neighborhoods of Boston. Start anywhere along the route, put your headphones in, and get the best walking tour of Boston you could imagine.  If you're new to the Strava game, add this as a route and just follow along! 

Where: Every neighborhood of Boston

Distance: 10.5 Miles

Perks: Best tour of Boston, city-run, water run, loop around Fenway

Now, you've stuck around for this long.  It's either time to get out there for a run, or you need to get some more information from us.  Shoot us a note, or schedule a FREE 15-minute call to discuss whatever is on your mind.

Even though I went over my top 4 running loops in Boston, I had to give a little deeper look into what I like to do, and some hidden gems that aren't for everyone but I love!


Bonus time!

Mt Vernon Hill Climb

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Looking for a hill workout, or simply stuck in the city and want to tack on some vert? The Mt Vernon Hill Climb in Beacon Hill is your best bet. Not only is this one of Boston's most historic neighborhoods, but it also has the best hills. Pro-tip, this is a black diamond ski trail in the winter!


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The best trail running Boston has to offer is in the Middlesex Fells Reservation in Winchester. Without traffic, get to the Fells in under 30 minutes and feel like you're in Vermont or Northern New Hampshire. The vibes are off the charts with mountain bikers, runners, and dogs all over the place.  Plus, the combination of running through bike trials and along the water is hard to beat. Simply follow the orange blazes through the reservoir loop and get the hardest workout in Boston!

Pro Tip: Need some parking?  Sheepfold is usually a disaster, but I've got a secret spot. You're going to have to ask me for it though!  Book your call below, and maybe I'll share 😉

These running routes have got me through my time here in Boston, and hope they do the same for you.

We're slowly trying to build a Boston community that loves getting out, challenging each other, and exploring the city.  Want to learn more?  Be sure to follow us on Strava!

<<Follow us on Strava>>

Not quite ready to get back onto the road for some running?  Dealing with an injury you really can't figure out?  Schedule your FREE 15-minute phone call, and Jeremy will talk you through what the next best steps are!




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