Your Work From Home Fix


You just poured your morning cup of coffee, and are about to sit down at your COVID created home office. It's comfy, but maybe too comfy.

You've got the fancy motorized standing desk, dual monitor, and notifications on your apple watch to breathe and stand every 30 minutes.

But, honesty time, you get locked in on a project and all of a sudden you're snoozing those alerts and sitting for hours hunched over staring at your computer screen.

Harsh reality, but it's reality!  

It's actually incredible how many people come into Ripple looking like this

bad wfh posture

Is this you? 😱 Maybe?

When you get locked in at work it doesn't matter what your WFH setup looks like or how fancy your motorized standing desk is, you're going to end up in a bad posture for too long. ⁣

So, instead of adding an alarm to your iWatch to breathe, let's try here what our Boston Physical Therapists have to say about fixing your WFH posture and set up!

Here are your 4 WFH Mobility Strength Exercise Fixes to get you out of forward head posture, and alleviate your painful neck and upper back

Neck Flexion Eccentrics


Look like the picture above?  Start here ⬆️  Do 5-8 reps 100-500 times a day


Bilateral Scap CARs

A lot of times, your shoulder blades get stuck from your posture seated at the comptuer. Take those scaps through their full range of motion with this exercise. 5 reps each way 200-300 times per day.



T Spine CARs with Yoga Block Block

This one's going to feel weird. And hard. And like you can't move. That's good. Keep plugging away at it to build intention to the upper back. That's how we get it moving. 3 reps each way, all day

Neck CARs with Scap Depression

When you move your neck, you probably overcompensate with your shoulders.  It happens.  Let's stop that. Here's the best way to disassociate your neck from the rest of your body. Quit your job, and do it all day


How'd they go?  I want to hear!  Book a FREE 15-minute phone call, and we can discuss how bad your working posture actually is, and what we need to do about it!


Leave us some love and let us know what you need to work on



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